And so, by the strangest of happenstances, I once again resume the writing of this journal that I have been parted of for some months now. Imagine my surprise to find it in the market of Ossian's Crossing, for sale by a merchant. He told me an adventurer sold it to him with other various sundries captured during a raid against the goblins that plague this land to which I have traveled.
Oh the tales of the road that I could fill these pages with, but in memory one always forgets details, and I could never do justice to that which has transpired upon the roadway. The months of delays, the strange happenstances, and the seemingly endless repetition of trials and tribulations leading to this land have been many. At last though, a new day has dawned, and it finds me at my destination at long last!
Or should I say nearer my destination? Indeed, upon my travels I met many others who were seeking the new lands promised, and they told me of a city where one might strive to grow and find new challenges. To find brotherhood and allies who would stand beside in the name of what is right and good, and defend those who were weaker.
The road to Brighthaven was not an easy one, but a more worthy journey I had not heard of in quite some time. We shall see if the promise of the city stands the test of time as the shining beacon it is being born as.
The first leg of the journey was overland, through hills and forest, across river. I journeyed to the village of Kindleburn, beset upon all sides by a siege of goblins. Stealing through I united with compatriots from the road, and we rallied forth to defend that fair village from the irksome creatures. I cannot even fathom the number of the creatures that have fallen outside the village, and yet their numbers seem undiminished. I fired my bow again and again, until my very fingertips bled from the thousands of arrows I had launched, before I resorted to spear to give the strings a break.
I can only be thankful that the village seems to have an endless supply of arrows, I fear that should we begin running low on arrows then the creatures shall surely overwhelm us!